Deficiency Records for Homeplace Manor
A list of the most recent deficiencies for Homeplace Manor. The list is based on the information provided by CMS from both standard inspections and from complaints filed by residents.
A list of the most recent deficiencies for Homeplace Manor. The list is based on the information provided by CMS from both standard inspections and from complaints filed by residents.
Deficiency | Type of Deficiency | Deficiency Date | Date Corrected | Resulted from a Complaint? |
Allow residents to easily view the nursing home's survey results and communicate with advocate agencies. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Create and put into place a plan for meeting the resident's most immediate needs within 48 hours of being admitted | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Observe each nurse aide's job performance and give regular training. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Ensure menus must meet the nutritional needs of residents, be prepared in advance, be followed, be updated, be reviewed by dietician, and meet the needs of the resident. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Develop, implement, and/or maintain an effective training program that includes effective communications for direct care staff members. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Ensure that staff members are educated on resident rights and facility responsibilities to properly care for its residents. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Give their staff education on dementia care, and what abuse, neglect, and exploitation are; and how to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Include as part of its infection prevention and control program, mandatory training that includes written standards, policies, and procedures for the program. | Health | 2024-09-04 | 2024-09-30 | Y |
Provide properly protected cooking facilities. | Fire Safety | 2024-09-05 | 2024-09-30 | N |
Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems. | Fire Safety | 2024-09-05 | 2024-09-30 | N |
Ensure heating and ventilation systems that have been properly installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. | Fire Safety | 2024-09-05 | 2024-09-30 | N |
Have simulated fire drills held at unexpected times. | Fire Safety | 2024-09-05 | 2024-09-30 | N |
Have a registered nurse on duty 8 hours a day; and select a registered nurse to be the director of nurses on a full time basis. | Health | 2024-05-30 | 2024-06-10 | Y |
Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program. | Health | 2024-05-30 | 2024-06-10 | Y |
Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems. | Fire Safety | 2023-09-06 | 2023-10-31 | N |
Properly select, install, inspect, or maintain portable fire extinguishes. | Fire Safety | 2023-09-06 | 2023-10-31 | N |
Ensure heating and ventilation systems that have been properly installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. | Fire Safety | 2023-09-06 | 2023-10-31 | N |
Implement emergency and standby power systems. | Fire Safety | 2023-09-06 | 2023-10-13 | N |
Assure the security of all personal funds of residents deposited with the facility. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Provide information about how to apply for and use Medicare and Medicaid benefits. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Develop the complete care plan within 7 days of the comprehensive assessment; and prepared, reviewed, and revised by a team of health professionals. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Have a registered nurse on duty 8 hours a day; and select a registered nurse to be the director of nurses on a full time basis. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Have a plan that describes the process for conducting QAPI and QAA activities. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Implement a program that monitors antibiotic use. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Provide rooms that are at least 80 square feet per resident in multiple rooms and 100 square feet for single resident rooms. | Health | 2023-07-27 | 2023-08-31 | Y |
Establish policies and procedures for volunteers. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Establish roles under a Waiver declared by secretary. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Provide emergency officials' contact information. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Establish staff and initial training requirements. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Conduct testing and exercise requirements. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Ensure heating and ventilation systems that have been properly installed according to the manufacturer's instructions. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Have simulated fire drills held at unexpected times. | Fire Safety | 2023-01-11 | 2023-02-03 | N |
Have a registered nurse on duty 8 hours a day; and select a registered nurse to be the director of nurses on a full time basis. | Health | 2022-05-26 | 2022-06-17 | N |
Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards. | Health | 2022-05-26 | 2022-06-17 | N |
Develop and implement a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured. | Health | 2022-05-26 | 2022-05-27 | N |
Provide appropriate pressure ulcer care and prevent new ulcers from developing. | Health | 2022-03-18 | 2022-04-08 | Y |
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