LEE MD INC Ratings and Reviews

  • Date Updated:  October 10, 2024
  • National Provider Number (NPI):  345540118
  • No. of Office Locations:  1
  • No. of Medical Professionals:  2 (includes doctors, nurses, and therapists)
  • Patient % positive review:  N/A
  • Locations:  See List

  About LEE MD INC

LEE MD INC is a medical group with 2 professionals providing medical services at 1 locations. They cover 1 specialties.

  Ratings for LEE MD INC

When it comes to healthcare, patients want the best possible care and experience. Figuring this out and boiling it down to a few measures, can be difficult. The information below shows our best analysis. We review all of the the data from CMS. The information below summarizes the results of the most recent annual survey of health care providers called the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems or "CAHPS" as well as data used for the calculation of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System ("MIPS"). The most recent data for both of these datasets is calendar year 2021. According to the CMS website, the 2022 survey data is being finalized but they have not indicated when it will be publicly available.

CAHPS Survey Results

There is no information about the overall patient rating for LEE MD INC.

MIPS Measures

Measure Percent Compliance
Advance Care Plan 100%
Biopsy Follow-Up 100%
Clinical Data Registry Reporting Yes
Clinical Data Registry Reporting for Multiple Registry Engagement Yes
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record 100%
Drug Cost Transparency Yes
Melanoma: Continuity of Care Recall System 100%
ONC Direct Review Attestation Yes
Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults 97%
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information 93%
Security Risk Analysis Yes
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Receiving and Reconciling Health Information 91%
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Sending Health Information 78%
Tobacco Use and Help with Quitting Among Adolescents 100%
e-Prescribing 98%

  Specializations Covered by LEE MD INC

LEE MD INC includes medical professionals from 1 specialties

Specialty Number

  LEE MD INC Office Locations

   2121 E COAST HWY, CORONA DEL MAR, CA 92625   Map
(   949-629-4263)

  Hospitals Affiliated with LEE MD INC

LEE MD INC professionals work with these hospitals:


  Other Physician Groups

This is a list of other physician groups that service the same geographic area. If you are not satisfied with your current doctor or group of doctors, these may be worth considering.

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