Danylle Vitello PHYSICAL THERAPY Reviews and Ratings
- Date Updated: October 24, 2024
- Specialization: PHYSICAL THERAPY
- Other Specialties: NONE
- National Provider Number (NPI): 1043239080
- Final MIPS Score: N/A
- No. of Doctor Groups: 1
- No. of Affiliations: None
- Med School: OTHER
- Year Graduated: 1998
About Danylle Vitello
DANYLLE VITELLO is a specialist in PHYSICAL THERAPY. No other specialties were noted. Danylle Vitello attended OTHER, graduating in 1998. She maintains 1 office locations. She is a part of 1 medical group. She is affiliated with 0 medical organization (including hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing facilities).
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Explanation of Specialties
DANYLLE VITELLO is a specialist in PHYSICAL THERAPY. No other specialties were noted.
PHYSICAL THERAPY: Physical therapy (PT) is care that aims to ease pain and help you function, move, and live better. You may need it to: Relieve pain, Improve movement or ability, Prevent or recover from a sports injury, Prevent disability or surgery, Rehab after a stroke, accident, injury, or surgery, Work on balance to prevent a slip or fall, Manage a chronic illness like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis, Recover after you give birth, Control your bowels or bladder, Adapt to an artificial limb, Learn to us... (more information)
Danylle Vitello Performance Measures
No MIPS scores are available for Danylle Vitello.
Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan | |
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information | |
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record | |
Collection and use of patient experience and satisfaction data on access | Yes |
Implementation of formal quality improvement methods, practice changes, or other practice improvement processes | Yes |
Leadership engagement in regular guidance and demonstrated commitment for implementing practice improvement changes | Yes |
Prevention of Information Blocking Attestation | No |
Regularly assess the patient experience of care through surveys, advisory councils and/or other mechanisms. | Yes |
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Receiving and Incorporating Health Information Exclusion | Yes |
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Sending Health Information Exclusion | Yes |
e-Prescribing Exclusion | Yes |
These are important measures that CMS tracks for each doctor. Not all doctors or medical professionals have data.
Office Locations and Phone Numbers for Danylle Vitello
The NursingHomeDatabase database has 1 office location for Danylle Vitello.
Group and Medical Organization Affiliations for Danylle Vitello
Doctors Groups:
Medical Organizations:
Danylle Vitello is not affiliated with any hospitals.
Other Doctors in the Area Specializing in PHYSICAL THERAPY that are similar to Danylle Vitello
Sometimes the doctor you see isn't a good fit or you want to get a second opinions. This is a list of nearby doctors with the same specialization as Danylle Vitello.
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