Jeffrey Stone MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Reviews and Ratings
- Date Updated: February 13, 2025
- Other Specialties: ORAL SURGERY
- National Provider Number (NPI): 1053391102
- Final MIPS Score: N/A
- No. of Doctor Groups: 1
- No. of Affiliations: None
- Year Graduated: 1973
About Jeffrey Stone
JEFFREY STONE is a specialist in MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. Other specialties include ORAL SURGERY. Jeffrey Stone attended HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, graduating in 1973. He maintains 1 office locations. He is a part of 1 medical group. He is affiliated with 0 medical organization (including hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing facilities).
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Explanation of Specialties
JEFFREY STONE is a specialist in MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. Other specialties include ORAL SURGERY.
MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY: Maxillofacial surgeons, sometimes called oral and maxillofacial surgeons, are trained to handle a wide variety of conditions and injuries that affect the head, neck, mouth, jaw, and face. Maxillofacial surgeons are qualified to treat a number of conditions related to the head and neck area, including: Misaligned jaws, Impacted wisdom teeth, Oral reconstructive surgery, Cancers of the head and neck, and Dental implants. These surgeons are also trained in anesthesia and pain control, with a focus ... (more information)
ORAL SURGERY: Both general dentists and oral surgeons must complete dental school after receiving a bachelor’s degree. In dental school, which typically takes four years of full-time study, students take coursework in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, and oral surgery. Dental students also complete clinical practicum experiences, gaining hands-on training in how to diagnose and treat dental problems.After completing dental school and earning the Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental... (more information)
Jeffrey Stone Performance Measures
No MIPS scores are available for Jeffrey Stone.
There is no measure or activity data for Jeffrey Stone.
Office Locations and Phone Numbers for Jeffrey Stone
The NursingHomeDatabase database has 1 office location for Jeffrey Stone.
LOWELL, MA 18521
Group and Medical Organization Affiliations for Jeffrey Stone
Doctors Groups:
Medical Organizations:
Jeffrey Stone is not affiliated with any hospitals.
Other Doctors in the Area Specializing in MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY that are similar to Jeffrey Stone
Sometimes the doctor you see isn't a good fit or you want to get a second opinions. This is a list of nearby doctors with the same specialization as Jeffrey Stone.
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