Robert Thomas INTERNAL MEDICINE Reviews and Ratings

  • Date Updated:  February 13, 2025
  • Specialization:  INTERNAL MEDICINE
  • National Provider Number (NPI):  1750351508
  • Final MIPS Score:   74.8
  • No. of Doctor Groups:   None
  • No. of Affiliations:   5
  • Med School:  OTHER
  • Year Graduated:  1986

  About Robert Thomas

ROBERT THOMAS is a specialist in INTERNAL MEDICINE. No other specialties were noted. Robert Thomas attended OTHER, graduating in 1986. He maintains 2 office locations. He is affiliated with 5 medical organizations (including hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing facilities).

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  Explanation of Specialties

ROBERT THOMAS is a specialist in INTERNAL MEDICINE. No other specialties were noted.

INTERNAL MEDICINE: General internists provide primary care to adult patients. Internists usually have more hospital-based training than family practitioners. They may have an office-based practice or work as a hospitalist primarily seeing patients in the hospital. These physicians attend medical school followed by an internal medicine residency. Internists may then choose to pursue a fellowship to sub-specialize in a variety of other areas, like endocrinology (hormone-related conditions) or cardiology (heart-relat... (more information)

CRITICAL CARE (INTENSIVISTS): A critical care medicine doctor (sometimes called an “intensivist”) is a type of specialist with specific expertise in the diagnosis, treatment, and support of critically ill and injured patients, such as trauma victims and patients with multiple organ dysfunction. A critical care medicine doctor is also well-versed in the technological procedures and devices used in intensive care settings, as well as issues such as end-of-life decisions, advance directives, estimating prognosis, and counse... (more information)

HOSPICE/PALLIATIVE CARE: Hospice is available to people living with an end-stage disease including cancer, pulmonary disease, ALS, heart disease, HIV-AIDS, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and any other life-threatening illness. Hospice care is available to patients who no longer wish treatment directed at curing their disease. The hospice benefit is flexible. Initially, a physician certifies that the patient has a life expectancy of six months or less, if the disease follows its normal course. The first two certifications are ... (more information)

PULMONARY DISEASE: Pulmonologists treat the cardio-pulmonary system, which consists of the heart, lungs, and organs involved in the respiratory process. They may work in office settings to treat patients with breathing disorders, severe allergies, lung problems, and other respiratory diseases. They may also treat patients with pulmonary disease who are in the intensive care unit (ICU). Aspiring pulmonologists attend medical school followed by an internal medicine residency. They then attend fellowship training for... (more information)

SLEEP MEDICINE: Sleep medicine is a medical subspecialty focused on diagnosing and treating sleep disorders and other sleep-related concerns. Sleep disorders are common and, if left untreated, can have significant long-term consequences, such as increased risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Sleep physicians, sometimes called somnologists, come from a variety of medical specialties, but they all have training in sleep medicine. To receive board certification in sleep medicine, doctors m... (more information)

  Robert Thomas Performance Measures

Final MIPS Score 74.8
Final MIPS Score without CPB 69.8
PI Category Score 38
IA Category Score 40
Quality Category Score 78.8

MIPS is an acronym for Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. Authorized by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reaouthorization Act of 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") developed MIPS to reward clinicians for the value of care they provide rather than the volume of care, quality over quantity. The MIPS final score determines a provider's Medicare Part B payment adjustments. MIPS also created a means for consumers to rank providers.

MIPS scores are calculated using four performance categories, quality, cost, improvement activities, and promotion of interoperability. Higher scores are better.: The highest final MIPS score is 100.

Colorectal Cancer Screening      
Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan         
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Sending Health Information   
Diabetes: Eye Exam      
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information      
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Receiving and Incorporating Health Information   
Advance Care Planning Yes
Anticoagulant Management Improvements Yes
CDC Training on CDC's Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain Yes
COVID-19 Clinical Trials Yes
Care coordination agreements that promote improvements in patient tracking across settings Yes
Care transition documentation practice improvements Yes
Care transition standard operational improvements Yes
Chronic Care and Preventative Care Management for Empaneled Patients Yes
Collection and follow-up on patient experience and satisfaction data on beneficiary engagement Yes
Communication of Unscheduled Visit for Adverse Drug Event and Nature of Event Yes
Comprehensive Eye Exams Yes
Controlling High Blood Pressure 51%
Depression screening Yes
Diabetes screening Yes
Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%) 76%
Drug Cost Transparency Yes
Electronic submission of Patient Centered Medical Home accreditation Yes
Engage Patients and Families to Guide Improvement in the System of Care Yes
Engagement of New Medicaid Patients and Follow-up Yes
Engagement of Patients, Family, and Caregivers in Developing a Plan of Care Yes
Engagement of patients through implementation of improvements in patient portal Yes
Engagement with QIN-QIO to implement self-management training programs Yes
Evidenced-based techniques to promote self-management into usual care Yes
Financial Navigation Program Yes
Glycemic Screening Services Yes
Glycemic management services Yes
Immunization Registry Reporting Yes
Immunization Registry Reporting for Multiple Registry Engagement Yes
Implementation of Integrated Patient Centered Behavioral Health Model Yes
Implementation of Use of Specialist Reports Back to Referring Clinician or Group to Close Referral Loop Yes
Implementation of condition-specific chronic disease self-management support programs Yes
Implementation of documentation improvements for practice/process improvements Yes
Implementation of episodic care management practice improvements Yes
Implementation of improvements that contribute to more timely communication of test results Yes
Implementation of medication management practice improvements Yes
Implementation of methodologies for improvements in longitudinal care management for high risk patients Yes
Implementation of practices/processes for developing regular individual care plans Yes
Improved Practices that Disseminate Appropriate Self-Management Materials Yes
Improved Practices that Engage Patients Pre-Visit Yes
Integration of patient coaching practices between visits Yes
MDD prevention and treatment interventions Yes
MIPS Eligible Clinician Leadership in Clinical Trials or CBPR Yes
ONC Direct Review Attestation Yes
ONC-ACB Surveillance Attestation Yes
Participation in a QCDR, that promotes collaborative learning network opportunities that are interactive. Yes
Participation in a QCDR, that promotes use of patient engagement tools. Yes
Patient Navigator Program Yes
Practice Improvements for Bilateral Exchange of Patient Information Yes
Practice Improvements that Engage Community Resources to Support Patient Health Goals Yes
Primary Care Physician and Behavioral Health Bilateral Electronic Exchange of Information for Shared Patients Yes
Promote Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Tools Yes
Provide 24/7 Access to MIPS Eligible Clinicians or Groups Who Have Real-Time Access to Patient's Medical Record Yes
Provide Clinical-Community Linkages Yes
Provide Education Opportunities for New Clinicians Yes
Provide peer-led support for self-management. Yes
Query of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Yes
Regular Review Practices in Place on Targeted Patient Population Needs Yes
Regular training in care coordination Yes
Relationship-Centered Communication Yes
Security Risk Analysis Yes
Tobacco use Yes
Unhealthy Alcohol Use for Patients with Co-occurring Conditions of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Ambulatory Care Patients Yes
Use evidence-based decision aids to support shared decision-making. Yes
Use of CDC Guideline for Clinical Decision Support to Prescribe Opioids for Chronic Pain via Clinical Decision Support Yes
Use of certified EHR to capture patient reported outcomes Yes
Use of decision support and standardized treatment protocols Yes
Use of telehealth services that expand practice access Yes
Use of tools to assist patient self-management Yes

These are important measures that CMS tracks for each doctor. Not all doctors or medical professionals have data.

  Office Locations and Phone Numbers for Robert Thomas

The NursingHomeDatabase database has 2 office locations for Robert Thomas.



  Group and Medical Organization Affiliations for Robert Thomas

Doctors Groups:

Robert Thomas is not associated with any doctor groups.

Medical Organizations:






  Other Doctors in the Area Specializing in INTERNAL MEDICINE that are similar to Robert Thomas

Sometimes the doctor you see isn't a good fit or you want to get a second opinions. This is a list of nearby doctors with the same specialization as Robert Thomas.

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