Bradley Culling INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT Reviews and Ratings

  • Date Updated:  February 13, 2025
  • Other Specialties:  NONE
  • National Provider Number (NPI):  1881950004
  • Final MIPS Score:   84.7
  • No. of Doctor Groups:   1
  • No. of Affiliations:   None
  • Med School:  OTHER
  • Year Graduated:  2012

  About Bradley Culling

BRADLEY CULLING is a specialist in INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT. No other specialties were noted. Bradley Culling attended OTHER, graduating in 2012. He maintains 3 office locations. He is a part of 1 medical group. He is affiliated with 0 medical organization (including hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing facilities).

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  Explanation of Specialties

BRADLEY CULLING is a specialist in INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT. No other specialties were noted.

INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT: If you’re in pain, interventional pain management can help you reduce pain and get you back to your life. Practitioners use cutting-edge treatment options along with holistic therapies. For example, a patient may receive nerve blocks or facet joint injections, along with reduced medication doses and physical therapy or chiropractic care to address the root of their pain issue. Practitioners look at the patient as a whole person, rather than just their pain. Because of this, interventional pain... (more information)

  Bradley Culling Performance Measures

Final MIPS Score 84.7
Final MIPS Score without CPB 79.6
PI Category Score 100
IA Category Score 40
Quality Category Score 62.8

MIPS is an acronym for Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. Authorized by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reaouthorization Act of 2015, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") developed MIPS to reward clinicians for the value of care they provide rather than the volume of care, quality over quantity. The MIPS final score determines a provider's Medicare Part B payment adjustments. MIPS also created a means for consumers to rank providers.

MIPS scores are calculated using four performance categories, quality, cost, improvement activities, and promotion of interoperability. Higher scores are better.: The highest final MIPS score is 100.

Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan      
Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk   
Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention      
Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record            
Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their Health Information            
Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly         
Clinical Data Registry Reporting Exclusion Yes
Consultation of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Yes
Immunization Registry Reporting Exclusion Yes
Implementation of medication management practice improvements Yes
ONC Direct Review Attestation Yes
Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention 99%
Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention 85%
Query of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Yes
Regularly assess the patient experience of care through surveys, advisory councils and/or other mechanisms. Yes
Security Risk Analysis Yes
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Receiving and Incorporating Health Information Exclusion Yes
Support Electronic Referral Loops By Sending Health Information Exclusion Yes
Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly 2%
Use of decision support and standardized treatment protocols Yes

These are important measures that CMS tracks for each doctor. Not all doctors or medical professionals have data.

  Office Locations and Phone Numbers for Bradley Culling

The NursingHomeDatabase database has 3 office locations for Bradley Culling.


2000 S MAYS ST

6000 S MOPAC
AUSTIN, TX 78749

  Group and Medical Organization Affiliations for Bradley Culling

Doctors Groups:


Medical Organizations:

Bradley Culling is not affiliated with any hospitals.

  Other Doctors in the Area Specializing in INTERVENTIONAL PAIN MANAGEMENT that are similar to Bradley Culling

Sometimes the doctor you see isn't a good fit or you want to get a second opinions. This is a list of nearby doctors with the same specialization as Bradley Culling.

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