• Date Updated:  July 31, 2024
  • Address:  2 FIRST AVE, ORANGEBURG, NY 10962
  • Phone:  (845) 680-8004
  • Type:  Psychiatric
  • Ownership:  Government - State
  • Overall Rating:   Not Available
  • Perc. Patients Recommending:   N/A


ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER is a Psychiatric. It is in ORANGEBURG, NY. Its type of ownership is Government - State. The facility's Medicare ID is 334066. It DOES NOT provide emergency services. There are 0 medical professionals and 0 doctor groups affiliated with the hospital. We do not have data on average costs for care provided at ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER.

Patient Survey Results

Below is information compiled by CMS on the percentage of patients who respond to specific treatments and a comparison of the results for ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER to the national results for similar facilities.

There is no patient survey data available for ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER.

Cost of ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER, Compare to National and State Averages

Understanding how much a hospital is going to cost is extremely difficult. Hospitals themselves actively obscure what they charge and have negotiated different rates with different insurers. Then you have the problem of the wide variety of treatments which the ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER provides.

To provide some standard metric to compare hospital costs, CMS publishes the MSPB (or "Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary"). Even though you may not be on Medicare, this metric may still be useful. The MSPB is expressed as a percentage compared to the national average for costs that Medicare incurs. A percentage higher than 100% means the hospital charges more than the national average while a percentage less than 100% means the hospital charges less than the national average.


We do not have detailed cost analysis for ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER.


These measures show how often patients at ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER contract certain infections during the course of their medical treatment, when compared to other hospitals nationally.

Not data on infection rates is available for ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER in our database.

How ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER Compares to Other Similar Facilities

This is how ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER compares to other similar hospitals nationally based on data provided to CMS.

Top Hospitals in ORANGEBURG, NY

Worst Hospitals in ORANGEBURG, NY


Many hospital patients are not ready to return home after a hospital visit. If recovery is going to be protracted, doctors will often advise that the patients recuperate at a skilled nursing facility. Below is a list of the skilled nursing homes near ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER ranked by their CMS 5-Star Overall Rating.

Facility Name Overall Rating
The Actors Fund Home 5:
New Gouverneur Hospital S N F 5:
Bainbridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 5:
Waveny Care Center 5:
St Marys Center Inc 5:
Kendal On Hudson 5:
Nassau Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Excel Care at Wayne 5:
Amsterdam Nursing Home Corp (1992) 5:
Jewish Home at Rockleigh 5:
The New Jewish Home, Sarah Neuman 5:
Complete Care at West Caldwell LLC 5:
North Westchester Restorative Therapy and Nrsg Crt 5:
United Hebrew Geriatric Center 5:
Job Haines Home For Aged People 5:
Cliffside Rehab and Residential Health Care Center 5:
Northern Westchester Hospital T C U 5:
Continuing Care at Lantern Hill 5:
Sunshine Children's Home and Rehab Center 5:
Inglemoor Rehabilitation and Care Center of Living 5:
The Steven and Alexandra Cohen Ped L T C Pavilion 5:
Eastchester Rehabilitation and Health Care Center 5:
Woodcliff Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center 5:
Gold Crest Care Center 5:
Elizabeth Seton Children's Center 5:
Broadway House For Continuing 5:
New East Side Nursing Home 5:
Family of Caring Healthcare at Montclair 5:
Methodist Home For Nursing and Rehabilitation 5:
Schervier Pavilion 5:
St Marys Hospital For Children 5:
Waterview Hills Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Bronx Gardens Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Salem Hills Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Bronx Center For Rehabilitation and Health Care 5:
Dumont Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing Care 5:
Union Plaza Care Center 5:
Helen Hayes Hospital R H C F 5:
Buena Vida Rehab and Nursing Center 5:
Split Rock Rehabilition and Health Care Center 5:
Northwell Health Stern Family Center For Rehab 5:
New York Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing 5:
Henry J Carter Skilled Nursing Facility 5:
Townhouse Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing 5:
Edgehill Health Center 5:
Tarrytown Hall Care Center 5:
Epic Rehabilitation and Nursing at White Plains 5:
Atrium Post Acute Care of Park Ridge 5:
Arbor Ridge Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center 5:
The Knolls 5:
Silvercrest 5:
Emerson Health Care Center 5:
Upper East Side Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Careone at Valley 5:
Margaret Tietz Center For Nursing Care Inc 5:
Careone at Wayne 5:
Maple Glen Center 5:
Hollis Park Manor Nursing Home 5:
Careone at Cresskill 5:
Jamaica Hospital Nursing Home Co Inc 5:
Helen Hayes Hospital T C U 5:
West Village Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 5:
Cypress Garden Center For Nursing and Rehab 5:
Windsor Park Rehab and Nursing Center 5:
Queen of Peace Residence 5:
Fort Tryon Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing 5:
Cheshire Home 5:
Forest View Center For Rehabilitation and Nursing 5:
The Villa at Stamford 5:
Hoboken University Medical Center Tcu 5:
Arbor Glen Center 5:
Northern Metropolitan Res Health Care Facility Inc 5:
Christian Health Care Center 5:
N J Veterans Mem Home Paramus 5:
Belair Care Center Inc 5:
White House Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center 5:
Lutheran Social Ministries Cranes Mill 4:
Little Neck Care Center 4:
The Wartburg Home 4:
Barnert Subacute Rehabilitation Center, LLC 4:
Pine Acres Convalescent Center 4:
Harbour View Senior Living Corp 4:
Careone at Ridgewood Avenue 4:
Family of Caring Healthcare at Tenafly, LLC 4:
Doctors Subacute Healthcare, LLC 4:
Ozanam Hall of Queens Nursing Home Inc 4:
Acclaim Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 4:
Alaris Health at The Chateau 4:
Mary Manning Walsh Nursing Home Co Inc 4:
Atlas Rehabilitation and Healthcare at Maywood 4:
Alaris Health at St Mary's 4:
Highbridge Woodycrest Center 4:
Livia Health and Senior Living 4:
Avalon Rehab and Care Center 4:
Peace Care St Ann's 4:
Bayberry Nursing Home 4:
Throgs Neck Extended Care Facility 4:
Meadow Park Rehabilitation and Health Center L L C 4:
Green Hill 4:
Winchester Gardens Health Care Center 4:


There are 0 doctors and 0 medical groups that are affiliated with ROCKLAND CHILDREN'S PSYCHIATRIC CENTER.

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