Get Information, Ratings, Surveys, and Compare PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL to other hospitals

Overall Hospital Rating:

Database data as of January 31, 2024

The information shown here is based on data records that are not current. Our latest records for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL is from July 27, 2022 and our latest database records are as of January 31, 2024. It is not clear why PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL is no longer in the database. Take care when reviewing this information to confirm that the hospital is still operating.

A Review of the Data

Prepared by Richard Saunders as of January 31, 2024.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") distributes more than 80 tables of data on hospitals on a quarterly basis. That is a lot of information to pour through to try and build a comprehensive review of PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL. Luckily, we are here to help! I’ve put together this page to help you to get a better idea of what the hospital does, who is affiliated with it, share any patient survey data and much more. (If you want to jump to a specific section of the review, here are the section headers: General Hospital Data, Ratings, Cost Analysis, Infections, Comparison, Nearby Skilled Nursing Facilities, Doctors Associated with PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL, Survey Analysis.)

In the briefest summary, PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL is one of the types of hospitals called Acute Care Hospitals. It is in JACKSONVILLE, IL. Its five star rating is 4 . Its type of ownership is Voluntary non-profit - Private. The facility's Medicare ID is 140058. It does provide emergency services. There are 0 medical professionals and 0 doctor groups affiliated with the hospital. We do not have data on average costs for care provided at PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL.

We did not find any survey data from patients to be able to determine whether PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL can be recommended or not.

The information presented below is based on data provided by U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). It is updated as new data is made available.

General Information for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL


(217) 245-9551
Click for Map

Medicare Provider Number:



Acute Care Hospitals


Voluntary non-profit - Private

Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL

Overall Rating:

The Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL summarizes a variety of measures across 5 areas of quality into a single star rating for each hospital. Once reporting thresholds are met, a hospital’s Overall Star Rating is calculated using only those measures for which data are available. Hospitals report data to The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") through the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program, Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Program, Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP), Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction Program, and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program. Overall Star Ratings aren’t calculated for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) or Department of Defense (DoD) hospitals.

Most hospitals will have an Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating of 3.

National distribution of the Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating The following table shows the national distribution of the Overall Star Rating based on July 2022 results.

Overall rating Number of hospitals / Percentage
1 star 198 (6.34%)
2 stars 702 (22.49%)
3 stars 895 (28.68%)
4 stars 895 (28.68%)
5 stars 431 (13.81%)
N/A 1,368 (30.47%)

Additional detailed on the method for calculating the Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating from this document.

Patient Survey Results

Below is information compiled by CMS on the percentage of patients who respond to specific treatments and a comparison of the results for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL to the national results for similar facilities.

There is no patient survey data available for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL.

Cost of PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL, Compare to National and State Averages

Understanding how much a hospital is going to cost is extremely difficult. Hospitals themselves actively obscure what they charge and have negotiated different rates with different insurers. Then you have the problem of the wide variety of treatments which the PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL provides.

To provide some standard metric to compare hospital costs, CMS publishes the MSPB (or "Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary"). Even though you may not be on Medicare, this metric may still be useful. The MSPB is expressed as a percentage compared to the national average for costs that Medicare incurs. A percentage higher than 100% means the hospital charges more than the national average while a percentage less than 100% means the hospital charges less than the national average.


We do not have detailed cost analysis for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL.


These measures show how often patients at PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL contract certain infections during the course of their medical treatment, when compared to other hospitals nationally.

Not data on infection rates is available for PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL in our database.

How PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL Compares to Other Similar Facilities

This is how PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL compares to other similar hospitals nationally based on data provided to CMS.

Top Hospitals in JACKSONVILLE, IL

Worst Hospitals in JACKSONVILLE, IL

Skilled Nursing Facilities Near PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL

Many hospital patients are not ready to return home after a hospital visit. If recovery is going to be protracted, doctors will often advise that the patients recuperate at a skilled nursing facility. Below is a list of the skilled nursing homes near PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL ranked by their CMS 5-Star Overall Rating.

Facility Name Overall Rating
Walker Nursing Home 5:
Scott County Nursing Center 4:
White Hall Nursing and Rehab Center 3:
Prairie Village Healthcare Ctr 3:
Sunny Acres Nursing Home 3:
Beardstown Health and Rehab Ctr 3:
The Grove Health and Rehab Ctr 1:
Jacksonville Skld Nur and Rehab 1:
Arcadia Care Jacksonville 1:

Medical Groups Affiliated with PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL

There are 0 doctors and 0 medical groups that are affiliated with PASSAVANT AREA HOSPITAL.