Marshall Health Care and Rehab

  • Date Updated:  February 01, 2025
  • CMS Overall 5-Star Rating:  
  • Address:  16 BEAL STREET
    MACHIAS ME 04654 Map
  • Phone:  207-255-3387
  • Website:   N/A
  • Medicare Provider Number:  205109
  • Participating in Medicare Since:  January 01, 1993
  • No. of Certified Beds:  64
  • No. of Residents:   N/A
  • Occupancy:   N/A
  • Amount Fined:  $23,989.00
  • Complaints Filed:   7
  • Accepts:  Medicare and Medicaid

  About Marshall Health Care and Rehab

Marshall Health Care And Rehab, located in MACHIAS, ME, is a for-profit organization that accepts Medicare and Medicaid. It is not part of a continuing care retirement community. It is not located in a hospital. Marshall Health Care And Rehab offers a range of services including skilled nursing, long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, and specialized memory care. The center is equipped with modern amenities and a supportive environment designed to enhance the quality of life for its residents. With a focus on personalized care plans and community engagement.

  • Marshall Health Care and Rehab is ranked #1 out of 1 facilities within a 10 mile radius and #2 out of 2 facilities within a 25 mile radius. See Ranking Report
  • Review Specific City Measures
  • CMS 5-Star Overall Rating is (1 out of 5):
  • Current Trend:   Worsening
  • Total Nursing Hours Spent Per Resident Per Day: 3.99
    (The national average is 3.85 )
  • The percentage of short-stay residents who were re-hospitalized after a nursing home admission is 24.40% .
  •    There is no indication of abuse occuring at Marshall Health Care and Rehab. (CMS flags facilities where abuse has either happened or is very likely.)

  Marshall Health Care and Rehab Owner & Operator Information

Business Entity Name:



Managers and Directors:

  Marshall Health Care and Rehab Ratings and Inspection Scores

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) regularly inspects every skilled nursing facility. The results of the multi-day inspection is a series of star ratings. The health inspection scores are an absolute value, so you can compare one facility's score directly to another.


Overall Rating 1:
Health Inspection Rating 1:
Quality Rating 1:
Staffing Rating 4:

Inspection Scores

Cycle 1 Score (as of June 12, 2024) 102
Cycle 2 Score (as of April 05, 2023) 48
Cycle 3 Score (as of December 15, 2021) 139
Weighted All Cycles Score 90

  Complaints by Residents

This table shows complaints filed by residents in Marshall Health Care and Rehab:

Develop and implement policies and procedures to prevent abuse, neglect, and theft. 05/10/2024
Honor the resident's right to a safe, clean, comfortable and homelike environment, including but not limited to receiving treatment and supports for daily living safely. 12/23/2022
Provide pharmaceutical services to meet the needs of each resident and employ or obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist. 12/23/2022
Ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provides adequate supervision to prevent accidents. 12/16/2022
Honor the resident's right to a dignified existence, self-determination, communication, and to exercise his or her rights. 04/20/2022
Keep residents' personal and medical records private and confidential. 04/19/2022
Protect each resident from all types of abuse such as physical, mental, sexual abuse, physical punishment, and neglect by anybody. 04/19/2022

  Nursing Hours Spent Per Patient

CMS provides detailed information about how long nursing staff spends with residents. This data includes nursing subcategories of Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, and non-nursing Certified Nursing Assistants. More hours spend per patient should can indicate a better facility or it could indicate more complicated situations.

The nursing staff of Marshall Health Care and Rehab spends MORE time on average with its residents than the state average for total nursing hours spent per resident and MORE time than the national average for total nursing hours spent per resident.

Type Facility State / National Avg
Registered Nurse (RN)
Hours 1.03 0.97 / 0.67
Case Mix 0.60 0.64 / 0.66
Adjusted 1.14 NA / NA
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Hours 0.28 0.47 / 0.87
Case Mix 0.78 NA / NA
Adjusted 0.31 NA / NA
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
Hours 2.68 2.78 / 2.32
Case Mix 2.08 NA / NA
Adjusted 2.96 NA / NA
Total Licensed Staff
Hours 1.31 1.44 / 1.53
Physical Therapist (PT)
Hours 0.10 0.07 / 0.07
Total Nursing Hours Spent per Resident on Average
Hours 3.99 4.22 / 3.85
Case Mix 3.46 3.71 / 3.83
Adjusted 4.41 NA / NA

  Quality Measures

Quality measures are based both on patient survey information and on the results of actual claims that are filed with CMS. It is not clear what period is covered in the measures.

Desc. Perc./ State Avg. / Comparison
Percentage of short-stay residents who were rehospitalized after a nursing home admission (qm521)
This measure is considered when computing the 5-Star Overall Rating
24.4% / 21.3%
Percentage of short-stay residents who had an outpatient emergency department visit (qm522)
This measure is considered when computing the 5-Star Overall Rating
41.4% / 16.2%
Number of hospitalizations per 1000 long-stay resident days (qm551)
This measure is considered when computing the 5-Star Overall Rating
1.4% / 1.4%
Number of outpatient emergency department visits per 1000 long-stay resident days (qm552)
This measure is considered when computing the 5-Star Overall Rating
5.7% / 2.1%
Percentage of long-stay residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased (qm401) 30.2% / 25.9%
Percentage of long-stay residents who lose too much weight (qm404) 6.3% / 5.6%
Percentage of long-stay residents with a catheter inserted and left in their bladder (qm406) 3.8% / 1.9%
Percentage of long-stay residents with a urinary tract infection (qm407) 0.7% / 2.9%
Percentage of long-stay residents who have depressive symptoms (qm408) 9.4% / 8.5%
Percentage of long-stay residents who were physically restrained (qm409) 0.0% / 0.1%
Percentage of long-stay residents experiencing one or more falls with major injury (qm410) 0.6% / 4.3%
Percentage of long-stay residents assessed and appropriately given the pneumococcal vaccine (qm415) 96.1% / 89.1%
Percentage of long-stay residents who received an antipsychotic medication (qm419) 12.9% / 20.4%
Percentage of short-stay residents assessed and appropriately given the pneumococcal vaccine (qm430) 81.3% / 69.6%
Percentage of short-stay residents who newly received an antipsychotic medication (qm434) 0.0% / 1.5%
Percentage of long-stay residents whose ability to walk independently worsened (qm451) 50.4% / NA
Percentage of long-stay residents who received an antianxiety or hypnotic medication (qm452) 23.0% / 16.4%
Percentage of long-stay residents assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine (qm454) 96.7% / 94.8%
Percentage of short-stay residents who were assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine (qm472) 74.4% / 67.5%
Percentage of long-stay residents with pressure ulcers (qm479) 6.7% / NA
Percentage of long-stay residents with new or worsened bowel or bladder incontinence (qm480) 29.7% / NA

  Hospitals Near Marshall Health Care and Rehab

Quite often skilled nursing facilities and hospitals work closely together to help patients recover or manage a terminal illness. Hospitals deals with acute care while nursing homes treat patients for a longer period of time. New residents at skilled nursing homes typically come from a hospital and nursing home residents may be readmitted to a hospital if their recovery does not proceed well. (Hospital readmission rates are closely monitored by CMS.) Consequently it is important that you consider which hospitals are near a nursing home which choosing one. Below is a list of hospitals near Marshall Health Care and Rehab.

Marshall Health Care and Rehab is near several hospitals, each with its own rating based on overall performance:

Hospital 5-Star Overall Rating
Not Available

Ratings History for Marshall Health Care and Rehab

  Medical Professionals Associated with Marshall Health Care and Rehab

These are the doctors who are affiliated with Marshall Health Care and Rehab. The data is from the most recent period. Historical data is not available.

We did not find any medical professionals associated with Marshall Health Care and Rehab.

  Local Nursing Homes

When evaluating nursing homes, it's important to consider other nearby facilities to understand the available options and make comparisons. Below is a list of nursing homes near Brookline Healthcare and Rehabilitation, including Brookline itself. This list is ranked based on each home's health inspection scores, also known as the "weighted all cycles score." Additionally, we provide the facility's 5-star overall rating for a more complete view of its performance. If a nursing home has been flagged by CMS for abuse, you'll see a special icon () next to its name.

The data is based on the dataset as of February 01, 2025.

Name Health Inspection Score / Overall Rating
Eastport Memorial Nursing Home
60 / 3:
Marshall Health Care and Rehab
90.167 / 1:

  Our Analysis

Best and Worst Nursing Homes in MACHIAS, ME

Here is our analysis of the Best Nursing Homes in MACHIAS and Worst Nursing Homes in MACHIAS so that you can make better decisions when choosing a nursing home. You should also use these lists after choosing a home to stay abreast of changes.

Ownership Details for Marshall Health Care and Rehab

A list of all of the registered owners for Marshall Health Care and Rehab. This includes direct and indirect owners and managers.

Noted Deficiencies for Marshall Health Care and Rehab

A list of all of the deficiencies for the facility. This includes a description, type of deficiency, incident date and when the facility reports that the incident was corrected.

Nursing Hours Analysis for Marshall Health Care and Rehab

How long a nurse spends with a resident can be an important factor in their recovery. This page shows the average nursing hours spent per resident for RNs, LPNs, CNAs, PTs and all licensed staff.

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